Pet Sematary, Stephen King, & My Horror Novel

Pet Sematary, Stephen King, & My Horror Novel

I finally watched Pet Sematary for the first time tonight, plus the bonus features with Stephen King, and man, was it ever excellent. Really got me jonesing to get back to writing my horror novel. There were elements here and there that were similar to some of my concepts, and I can never watch creative artists at work without being inspired to pick up the pen myself.

I've also been working on a very lengthy and important blog post for the past couple of weeks, which has been feeding that writing bug and has me itching to do more. Anybody wanna take over my debt payments so I can just write full-time? Nope? No special favors? Just have to struggle it out like everybody else? Ok. I got this. πŸ˜‰πŸ’­βœ’

Artists Evolve: Feelings on Publishing Old Work

Artists Evolve: Feelings on Publishing Old Work

Lazy Saturday, writing melodies and lyrics

Lazy Saturday, writing melodies and lyrics