Eyes of Love - NaPoWriMo Day #3

Eyes of Love - NaPoWriMo Day #3

Some of you may recognize the image above as the background image from the PoetIconic.com newsletter subscribe page. I felt that there was a bit of a link between the wording used in those lyrics and this poem, though they have next to nothing to do with each other. Thought it was an interesting pairing. Hope you enjoy both.

Eyes of Love

Eyes of love
looking back at kismet sadness.
How can the human brain regret
what the universe has deemed to be fate?
How could the heart decide to break
when it could continue beating
for the short time we're allotted for living?

I'm a writer
so I carry my past with me
like well-worn luggage,
covered with stickers from places afar
that seem so distant—
another life among the stars.

Some hellish planets that flamed and burned—
some heavenly rings where we spun and churned.
Most in-betweens that were worth all of me.
I wasn't always present,
but from here, I'll be.

Looking back in anger?
Not me.

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