Jan 27 Jan 27 internal sunshine — a poem about overcoming compulsive habits and dissociation Kelley Ann Hornyak
Sep 20 Sep 20 Forever Giver — a poem about giving too much or codependency in relationships Kelley Ann Hornyak
Sep 17 Sep 17 Blue Green — a poem in loving memory of my uncle and father figure, Johnnie Lynn Zambrowski (1946–2020) Kelley Ann Hornyak
Jul 3 Jul 3 Wading — a poem about the emotional impact of spousal caregiving for a stroke survivor Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 30 Apr 30 Runoff — NaPoWriMo Day #30 — a poem about escaping a toxic relationship Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 29 Apr 29 Nonpareil — NaPoWriMo Day #29 — a poem about healing my inner child and embracing my inner goddess Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 28 Apr 28 Pilgrimage — NaPoWriMo Day #28 — a poem about recycling bad vibes into a good life Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 26 Apr 26 Trust and Believe — NaPoWriMo Day #26 — a poem about pursuing your life's work Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 24 Apr 24 Scaffolding — NaPoWriMo Day #24 — a poem about tearing down the fences our families built Kelley Ann Hornyak
Apr 23 Apr 23 Ice Water — NaPoWriMo Day #23 — a poem about putting out the wildfires of the heart Kelley Ann Hornyak